Community Room at Archer Institute Behavioral Health Hospital
Behavioral Health
We are proud to have been a part of a team discussing one of the country's most difficult issue, behavioral health. Here at PDS we believe that every space we create will foster comfort and safety. Our goal is to deliver cost effective, quality healing environments accessible for all behavioral health patients. We are committed to deliver positive outcomes, plan and design transformational faculties that will deliver on patient and client needs throughout the buildings life cycle duration.
Our approach to behavioral health evolves around three primary directives:
Create an environment of care within which patients realize a safe and dignified experience in which to convalesce so that they have the opportunity to reenter their lives in a meaningful and productive way.
Provide a means by which the healthcare provider is enabled to achieve extraordinary results in managing the care of a complex and demanding patient population. Facilitating successful outcomes and ensuring not only patient safety, but the safety of the care providers.
Deliver a superior experience to family members that eases anxiety and supports their needs and facilitates their ability to manage their loved ones.
Our experience in behavioral health includes:
Evaluation of existing behavioral health facilities for code compliance and patient safety issues.
Working with AHJ’s in review of design and planning models.
Review of existing planning models and programming against current standards and CMS recommendations.
Design and planning of inpatient and outpatient behavioral health services.
Design of behavioral health hospitals
Master planning of behavioral health services, freestanding and integrated.
MEHERE and Crisis Intervention Units
Detailed working knowledge of OMH, FGI Guidelines and other planning and design standards of care.
Funding and construction for Behavioral Health Hospital (Archer)
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Inpatient Behavioral
In order to meet rising demand for both Psychiatric Inpatient and Outpatient care, and the need to free space on Lake Charle's Memorial Hospital's main campus, PDS created a new Behavioral Health Hospital. When completed, the new facility will provide 104 inpatient behavioral health beds with units dedicated to adolescent, adult and geriatric care. Each patient population will occupy separate “Communities”. Each community consists of resident rooms, common core space and dedicated enclosed exterior courtyards. Support services is housed in the core of the facility. This project was designed in constructed in two phases and include substantial site development work.
Multi-bed Patient Room at Archer Behavioral Health Hospital
Outpatient Behavioral
Our facilities are made up of a combination of both private and semi-private rooms. Circulation design is critical for the functionality of behavioral health facilities. Patient, staff, and visitor flow dictates the design of a facility. Additional space houses family lounges, support areas, nursing station, quiet and comfort rooms and dining/recreation spaces.
Specialized rooms for behavioral patients in ED
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Group Room at Montefiore Nyack Hospital